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Long Time, No Speak

I guess you could say I'm back. It's been a long stretch of silence on my end, and I can only say that I need to strive to be better on so many fronts not only for my professional, but personal benefit as well. Writing has always been good for me, and the ever pressing need to further my career has got me anxious yet more ready than ever.

Regardless of when success is going to come, it will come, and with it a renewed sense of freedom from the pressures of financial need, not to mention freedom from feeling as though the career of your dreams isn't going to work out. Those tough times when you're not feeling your best make it difficult to see through to the other side of rejection, but you have to keep grinding to make things eventually go your way. Knowing that someone out there is going to hear your voice and know that it's the one for their business, their documentary; fill in the blank kind of gig, but that knowledge and self belief has to remain to keep positive and seize each opportunity to put yourself out there and succeed.

I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of sharing my thoughts, and towards the end of the month a new impression to finally add to the collection and share with everyone. My writing is a little rusty, but thankfully my voice is rested and ready for the challenge and excitement that awaits ahead.

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