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Good news everyone!

Those true (or obsessive) fans of the beloved animated series will get the reference; but for those unfamiliar or a little rusty on their references, this edition of Impression of the Week comes to us from Futurama! Get me started on this show and we will have unending conversations, hours filled with voices and quotes and moments that I'm frankly overdue to rewatch. One of the most incredible animated ensembles I think in TV history, the top dog for me will always be Billy West. The modern day Mel Blanc, Billy is responsible for many of the voices of my childhood, a fact I only learned once many of those shows he had graced with his talents had departed from the mainstream.

While he voices a wide range of characters that includes Elmer Fudd, Doug Funnie, Ren and Stimpy, and even the illustrious role originally voiced by Mel Blanc himself, Bugs Bunny, I chose to attempt at recreating his motley crew from Matt Groening's Futurama. Countless times I've been doubled over with laughter due to Billy's ability to bring to life the hilarious characters of Professor Farnsworth, Philip J. Fry, Dr. John Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan, and many other throw away roles and recurring characters. I only dared to try and attempt those named above, but the man is basically my V/O idol, and I don't know if I'll ever truly feel satisfied with any impression I do of his characters, if for no other reason than I believe he continues to prove a master of the craft while I have so much room to continue growing. Nevertheless! Check out the impressions here.

Let me know what you think of these four brief impressions, and remember to suggest another voice or character for me to attempt next week! Until then,


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